Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Response to Ayn Rand’s ‘Anthem’

Response to Ayn Rand’s ‘Anthem’

      Ayn Rand’s work entitled “Anthem” is representative of a society in which there is no individuality and any person’s attempt to express themselves as an individual is punished and labeled as a transgressor. Transgressors in this society receive severe punishments. In this work the society is under the control of what is referred to as the World Council. The World Council is a body of men who enforce the rules of society so that the World Council is the enforcer over transgressors who break the rules. The World Council holds complete power and control of the individuals living in society and is a power that is all-encompassing that makes decisions over every little aspect of the individual’s life. In this society no marriage takes place and there is no idea of ‘being in love’ since men and women are not allowed to even speak to one another and if such relationships are formed then the people forming these relationships are transgressors against their fellow society members. Children in this society are not raised by their parents and the only way that children are conceived is through being mated like animals once per year in a loveless union that is planned and prescribed by the World Council and for the sole purpose of reproduction of more workers in the society. It is hard for one to imagine how it must feel to be herded like cattle into a mating place and ordered to mate with an individual that is chosen by someone else and to do so without the presence of feelings or love for that person. This is a horror that is multiplied in the mind of this writer to imagine that this should happen and then as a woman that a child would be carried within the body of the woman for nine months only to be snatched away at birth. Then to live in a society where one would never know one’s own child or be allowed to provide care for the child is horrifying.  In this society as presented by Rand, individuals are not able to make their own choices about their work profession based on their interests, talents, or abilities but instead are forced to work in a profession that the World Council has chosen for them with no thought given as to whether that individual likes or is interested in that profession. The appalling aspect of this society is that within this society individual are not allowed to in any way question the authority of those imposing their life’s profession on them and the sad truth is that in this society that few individuals even conceive that perhaps the status quo should be questioned. Those in charge of this society are driven by egoism, or an inflated view of themselves as regards their worth in comparison to the others in society and this high level of self-worth compared to others makes them believe that they are ‘all knowing’ and hold the knowledge to decide what is best for everyone in the society. This society is one in which human beings are expected to have a ‘hive mind’ leaving no room for the individual in terms of thoughts, dreams, ambitions, longings or goals since to aspire to one’s individualism in any way is punished. The living arrangements in this society are destitute of any showing of individual expression with all persons living in cold institutional dwellings such as the home of infants when they are young and the home of students while they are school-age, then moving on to the home of the assigned vocation and ultimately the climax of life in this society is being moved to the home of the useless. The age and wise in this society are not only not treasured they are shoved aside like old banana peels that no longer have any designated purpose in society. This is so very tragic when one considers the invaluable wisdom of older people and the treasures of knowledge they have to provide to their families and to the entire world. This is a depressing thought that one should live their life in a meaningless way such as in this society as presented in the work of Rand and should simply go through the motions until the end of their life and ultimately be labeled as useless. In this society scientific developments in any form are shunned since the ‘powers that be’ are able to retain their strict hold over the lives of those in society and therefore fear any type of scientific advancements since this creates fear in those holding power that the status quo might be questioned and in turn that they would lose their power of the majority. Perhaps most tragic in this society is the fact that there is no spirituality, no higher calling. The absence of spirituality in Rand’s society is likely because such spirituality serves to inspire, motivate, enlighten, and to bring strength and growth to the individual and this is precisely what this society and the ruling powers fear and rigidly avoid. The Council of Scholars holds all knowledge in this society and as such as deemed that there is nothing left unknown and therefore no one in this society is motivated to research and attempt to learn because the Council of Scholars ‘knows all’. The society described by Rand in her work “Anthem” is one that is frightening and one in which the few rule with an iron rod over the many. Truly, this story strikes fear in the heart of the reader when attempting to imagine living in such a world.
       The reader of this work proposes that Ayn Rand was attempting to demonstrate what would happen in the case of a society where only a few ruled the majority or in other words, a society in which there was a death of individuality. Individuality in society makes life colorful and rich in its flavor. Individuality in society results in beautiful music compositions, creation of beautiful works of art. Love in society results in highly bonded families and communities and cohesion among groups of people with similar beliefs. Spirituality in society results in power in the lives of people that serves to motivate them and sustain them through hard times and that brings unity. The many things missing in “Anthem” are those very precious things that make life worth living. Ayn Rand in her work “Anthem” illustrates how the rule of the few will result in a world that in reality would leave the individual no reason to live.

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